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Chocolate Choc Chip Protein Bars with Chocolate Honeycomb Frosting

Chocolate Choc Chip Protein Bars with Chocolate Honeycomb Frosting

Anything chocolate is a winner, add choc chips, smother it with thick chocolate honeycomb frosting then tell them it's sugar free, plant based, high protein and gluten free and they won't believe you. This one has everyone coming back for more. Always a good idea to hide a few at the back of your fridge if you want some for later.

I made a batch for our kids before we headed off to catch up with them in the middle of February. They loved them and asked for the recipe. Then I posted the pics onto my facebook and Instagram and got some takers there as well. So here it is. Special mention goes out to my daughters partner, Robbie, this ones for you, Enjoy!!

Chocolate Choc Chip Protein Bars with Chocolate Frosting


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