Carrot Cake in a healthy Yumball!
Fresh sweet carrots, coconut and sultanas are what make these so good. But there's also another secret, it's the little hint of peanut butter that makes them special. If you love both of these, then you're gonna love these balls. If you're not a PB fan, don't despair! I have an alternative.
I need to get organised. I shared the image of these a few weeks ago and had a few of my lovely followers ask for the recipe. As it was a once off and I guessed the quantities I really had to try it again before posting. It actually came out just as expected but this time I had coconut so I rolled them in it and I love the outcome. I think it would be really nice in the balls as well so I added it as an optional extra if you wish to use it. Some people don't like coconut, others love it. I'm one of the later.

Did you know that carrots contain over 200% of your daily Vitamin A needs. So, if you want to maintain healthy eye sight, get into these little babies betcause his recipe contains 2 of them. I've also added some chia seeds for omega 3, cinnamon for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels (and taste of course 😋) and protein powder to help balance out the glycemic index which isn't that bad as the only sugar is from the sultanas. So yes, Yay!! They are very low in sugar as well. Go check them out.
Here's the link to the recipe!
Big luv ... K 💞